Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes our policies and practices regarding the kinds of information we may collect, how we intend to use it, with whom we disclose and share that information.

1. Collection of Personal Information

In order to provide our services to you, we do not collect any personal information. We believe in respecting your privacy and will not ask for any personal data. Our services are designed to function without the need for any personal information from you. Furthermore, we do not request access or permission to any features from your mobile device, such as the microphone or any other features.

2. Use of Cookies:

We do not use cookies or any similar tracking technologies on our website or services. Therefore, we do not gather any data regarding your browsing behavior.

3. Data Security:

We take data security seriously and employ reasonable measures to protect any information we receive during your voluntary interactions with our services. However, since we do not collect any personal information, there is no personal data to secure.

4. Third-Party Services:

We do not share any information with third-party services, as we do not collect or store any personal data.

5. APIs and SDKs::

Our app does not contain any APIs or SDKs that collect data or information from users.

6. Augmented Reality (AR):

Our app does not use Augmented Reality technology.

7 Social Apps & Features:

Our app does not allow users to share or exchange information with others.

8 Legal Compliance:

Our app is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations regarding data protection and privacy.

9 Ad Format and Content:

We are committed to providing a safe and child-friendly environment in our app's monetization and advertising practices. Monetization and advertising in our app do not have deceptive content or designs that may lead to inadvertent clicks from child users. We strictly adhere to the Families ad format requirements to ensure age-appropriate and safe advertising content for children.

11. Compliance and Ad SDKs:

We adhere to all applicable legal regulations and industry standards relating to advertising to children. If we serve ads in our app targeting children, we use only Google Play Families Self-Certified Ads SDK versions to ensure compliance with policies and guidelines.

12. Third-Party Ads and Monetization:

We may use third-party ads or monetization services in our app that comply with the same principles and guidelines outlined in this Privacy Policy.

13. Children’s Privacy:

Our Services are designed to ensure the privacy and safety of all users, including children under the age of 6. We do not collect any personally identifiable information from children under 6 years of age. In fact, we do not collect any personal information from any user, regardless of age, as part of our commitment to maintaining a privacy-focused experience.

14. Changes to this Policy:

If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will update the "Effective Date" at the top of this page. We encourage you to review this Policy regularly for any updates.

Thank you for using our game. We value your privacy and trust in our services.

CodeCraft Creators


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please email us.